1 Ackroyd, Peter. The Beginning (Voyages through Time). New York, NY: DK Publishing, Inc, 2003.
2 Bryner, Jeanna. “One Common Ancestry behind Blue Eyes.” Live Science. January 31, 2008. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
3 Choi, Charles Q. “Top 10 Things that Make Humans Special.” Live Science. August 22, 2011. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
4 Cooper-White, Macrina. “It’s Better to Be Average—and 16 Other Surprising Laws of Human Sexual Attraction.” Huffington Post. Updated September 5, 2013. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
5 Dell’Amore, Christine. “Why Human Penises Lost Their Spines." National Geographic. March 9, 2011. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
6 Evolution and Genetics. Chicago, IL: Britannica Illustrated Science Library, 2008.
7 “Evolution.” Online Etymology Dictionary. 2015. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
8 Harlan, Ron. “10 Human Attributes Explained by Evolution.” Listverse. April 11, 2013. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
9 Mandal, Ananya, MD. “What Is Junk DNA?” News Medical. Updated November 17, 2014. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
10 “Public’s Views on Human Evolution.” Pew Research Center. December 30, 2013. Accessed: February 10, 2015.
11 Sloan, Christopher. The Human Story: Our Evolution from Prehistory Ancestors to Today. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2004.
12 "The Etymology of the Word ‘Evolution’." Oxford Dictionaries. Accessed: February 12, 2017.
13 Winston, Robert. Evolution Revolution: From Darwin to DNA. New York, NY: DK Publishing, 2009.